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NavVis VLX is a wearable mobile lidar scanner capable of capturing data while you move through the environment. The VLX consists of 2 multi-layer LiDAR sensors and 4 cameras. It can capture an immersive 360-degree panoramic view of the site between 1,000 - 4,500 sqm of survey-grade data in a single dataset.

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Mobile Laser Scanning

Heliguy’s new Mobile LIDAR scanner features high speed acquisition and fast  turnaround of processed data.


  • Heliguy's wearable LIDAR is up to10 times faster than a Terrestrial lidar Scanner TLS system


  • Superb accuracy –powered by SLAM technology to exceed industry accuracy standards, with advanced noise reduction and texturing


  • All-in-one reality capture –2 multi-layer LiDAR sensors, combined with leading SLAM software, plus 360-degree photography to deliver  visualization and survey-grade point clouds

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